Is driven not by self-aggrandisement but a desire to right a wrong, fix what is broken. LinkedIn profile influencer strength, regular conference speaking does not prove anything. Often, the more low-key entrepreneur is of real interest to us.
Looking for an investor or partner for your venture?
So what are we looking for? An entrepreneur who:
Is a leader but a team player. A happy, engaged and motivated team builds better, together. We like entrepreneurs who are nice people.
Has an idea that fixes a problem today. Dreamy long-term problem solving is nice to talk about but we are more interested in fixing immediate problems. We like execution focused entrepreneurs
Has an idea, big or small, that can change the game for any of our businesses – whether that’s from a front-end customer perspective, or a back-end process that can keep the wheels of our businesses turning more smoothly.
Wants to get started, yesterday.
Drop us an email at [email protected] with your details, and tell us about your startup and team.
Once our review of your submission is complete, we will invite you and your team to our office for a short presentation and discussion.

Upon receiving your email, we will be in touch in relation to a short submission including a:
– Brief deck on the business
– Questionnaire